K-pop, K-pop, K-pop !

LOL xD Just had to say it <3
I just oredered a lot of K-pop stuff from eBay, and when I have all the things I ordered, I'll make my K-pop collection post!
BUT! I'm kindda frustrated about one of my orders -.-
I ordered and paid for SHINee's Romeo album (Key version), and a Bromide magazine with SHINee on the cover from 2009 (Ring Ding Dong era), in late December, but I still haven't got it yet :(
Normally I wouldn't think it's weird, since it can take a long time, but I received GD&TOP's album 1 week after I bought it, and it was from the same seller.
But WHY SHINEE ITEMS?? T-T Boo .. I'll just have to be patient, and wait... --
Other than that, I'm going to watch SAG-show on my old school on Saturday :D
I know I've talked about SAG-show before, but I'll just repeat it xD
SAG-show is the biggest student produced show in Scandinavia. Everything is made by the students from the highschool like, the script, costumes, the songs, choreographies, hair and make-up and so on.
I was a part of it too, when I went to high school, and it's so much fun! Can't wait to watch it :D
Lastly, here's a clip from last years show:
I was in this dance btw xD
I understand your frustration, SHINee<3
SvarSletHopefully you will receive it fast ^^