So I started work and school today. My new job is really nice :3
It's nothing special or extravagant, but I like it. I work with some nice people, and it's right across the street!
And I had my first math lesson in over 2 years today as well. It was actually more fun, than what I thought it would be. And I met some really nice people as well :3 I think it will be fun going there. I hope so! We also got homework, but I made it before I went home. I'm already a suck-up, haha xD
Also, today is my mother's and husbond 3 year anivessary!(Is that how it's spelled?? >.<) They've been married for 3 years today! I'm so happy for them <3
One last thing, it's my sister's birthday on Friday! She turns 3 years old already. We're having a birthday party for her Saturday, and Astrid's coming too, yay! <3
I actually bought 2 things for her, but she already got the first present -.- I gave it to her last week, when I was babysitting her 'cause she was really upset about something. But when she got my present she got so happy again :D Yay ! ~
Here's the present I have left :

She will get it on Friday :3
It's nothing special or extravagant, but I like it. I work with some nice people, and it's right across the street!
And I had my first math lesson in over 2 years today as well. It was actually more fun, than what I thought it would be. And I met some really nice people as well :3 I think it will be fun going there. I hope so! We also got homework, but I made it before I went home. I'm already a suck-up, haha xD
Also, today is my mother's and husbond 3 year anivessary!(Is that how it's spelled?? >.<) They've been married for 3 years today! I'm so happy for them <3
One last thing, it's my sister's birthday on Friday! She turns 3 years old already. We're having a birthday party for her Saturday, and Astrid's coming too, yay! <3
I actually bought 2 things for her, but she already got the first present -.- I gave it to her last week, when I was babysitting her 'cause she was really upset about something. But when she got my present she got so happy again :D Yay ! ~
Here's the present I have left :
She will get it on Friday :3
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