~ A new hairstyle + more ~
So yesterday I tried a new hairstyle out!
I found this amazing video on Youtube from bimusume's channel, and I had to try it out! Please check out her channel here.
And here is the hairstyle:

Isn't it cute? I love ribbons, and to make it into a hairstyle is so cute! I think it turned out pretty good. After all it is my first time trying it out!
But I actually wanted it to be higher up on my head, because when it's like this it's not really visible from the front, only a little.
Well, I got many compliments on this hairstyle and everyone said that it was so me. I'm known as the ribbon lover in my class (^_^) Haha.
And here's the video I used if you want to try it out yourself:
Here the other day I saw a comment on one of my post from www.dbeautyshop.com. They offered to send me a free pair of circle color contact lenses. All I have to do, is to make a review of them and post it on youtube! So I agreed to do it and oredered the lenses yesterday! So please look forward to my review! I will post it here as well :3
That was about it for now! I won't be able to post anything for the weekend, 'cause I'll be in Sweden until Sunday.
So see you on Sunday ! (^^~
So yesterday I tried a new hairstyle out!
I found this amazing video on Youtube from bimusume's channel, and I had to try it out! Please check out her channel here.
And here is the hairstyle:
Isn't it cute? I love ribbons, and to make it into a hairstyle is so cute! I think it turned out pretty good. After all it is my first time trying it out!
But I actually wanted it to be higher up on my head, because when it's like this it's not really visible from the front, only a little.
Well, I got many compliments on this hairstyle and everyone said that it was so me. I'm known as the ribbon lover in my class (^_^) Haha.
And here's the video I used if you want to try it out yourself:
Here the other day I saw a comment on one of my post from www.dbeautyshop.com. They offered to send me a free pair of circle color contact lenses. All I have to do, is to make a review of them and post it on youtube! So I agreed to do it and oredered the lenses yesterday! So please look forward to my review! I will post it here as well :3
That was about it for now! I won't be able to post anything for the weekend, 'cause I'll be in Sweden until Sunday.
So see you on Sunday ! (^^~
Aw, det er også den video jeg har brugt et par gange :D
SvarSletDet er rigtig fint dit hår, men ja, den skulle nok lidt højere op, men det er bare svært på en selv..!
Og nice med linserne ^__^ wee~~!
Ha' det sjovt i Sverige! Jeg vil også til Sverige!
Hvor fedt :3 Hun har rigtig mange gode videoer! Og det er så fedt med linserne! Glæder mig meget til at prøve dem.
SvarSletOg tak tak ^^ Glæder mig til at komme af sted og bare slappe af~~
WOW! Dit hår ser fantastisk ud :D sejt!!
SvarSletGod tur til Sverige! ^__^